Finders Keepers Market

Finders Keepers Market

December 13, 2013

As a part of an assessment a design master student at UTS have to test their product against the market and where is the best place to do it than at the artisan market itself? For this semester students had secured their stall at Finders Keepers artisan market in Australian Technology Park in Redfern, NSW. It was long two days at the market, but feedback received was valuable and some sales also occurred.  Everybody in the team sold something.  Some sold more some sold less. I have sold four of mine Plum fruit bowls which was more than I was hoping for and some other opportunities may be still coming out of it. Lots of thinking, planning and decision making also happened during those long two days at the market.  Let’s just conclude that this Christmas break I will be very busy evaluating, planning, setting up and updating my business plan!

Stay tuned for updates on how my baby business is going!


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Karin January 7, 2014 at 6:19 am

Congrats Radka for your Masters in Design completion and the sell of your products at the market! you all are great young professionals. Love your bowls and can’t wait to come back to Sydney to have a look at them in person, if there are any left by then! 🙂

Best of the luck with the business planning and new endeavours for 2014!

2 Carol Faulkner February 21, 2014 at 9:10 am

Radka, congratulations on completing your Masters. Love your work, love the website.

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