THURIBLE Commission for Holy Spirit Seminary Banyo in Brisbane

THURIBLE Commission for Holy Spirit Seminary Banyo in Brisbane

March 15, 2011

THURIBLE Commission for Holy Spirit Seminary, Banyo.

’Designer Gregory Gilmour, commissioned Radka Passianova to collaborate in developing a contemporary and unique interpretation of a Thurible for use in the new chapel of the Holy Spirit Seminary at Banyo.

The concept revolved around the indigenous history of ground the seminary is built on. The seminary is built around the base of Bee Hive hill, so called, as prior to European arrival, the local aboriginals congregated here to feast on honey.  The concept for the Thurible revolves around bees and honey and as it’s a smoking device, pays some homage and draws parallels to the ceremonies of the original inhabitants.’ Gregory Gilmour


To create this contemporary and nontraditional looking thurible, Radka had used traditional silversmithing technique of raising. This old technique allows us to form flat sheet of metal only with help of selected hammers and heat. Radka has been lucky enough to learned this technique from silversmithing guru Mr Ragnar Hansen at Design Centre Enmore, Jewellery and Object Design department (


lid and rimfitting

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Ciara Fulcher March 15, 2011 at 1:09 pm

I have never seen something so amazing Radka! Thank you for sharing such an interesting process with us all. What a beautiful piece… The Seminary must be thrilled with such a beautiful, unique and meaningful item. Congratulations!

2 Radka May 20, 2011 at 12:49 am

Thank you Ciara!

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