layer – week #2

layer – week #2

August 13, 2012

(Concept development, more research and some experiments)

I am deeply involved in research, mock up making and experimenting! Everywhere I look I can see layers. Layers of blankets, leafs, cardboard and petals.

I think most inspiring group of LAYERS I have seen this week is yellow rose slowly opening with passing time.  Revealing new layers of petals every day until they all start to go brown and eventually fall of.

This week I have been thinking a lot about LAYERS. Not only how to demonstrate them in my work but also, what it represents to me. When I think of layers I feel it is something light and airy. Complicated in the way as individual layers of particular material is repeatedly placed on top of each other yet simple in this basic repetition.

Going back to the yellow rose that I came across this week, I started to get more fascinated by this its life. The rose starts growing and gaining leafs and layers of petals, one by one. Once it reaches its high it starts to age and slowly loose these layers of petals, one by one. It happens so fast and easy…..and that is the way it is. This simple process of rose’s maturing enriched my life for past two weeks. How often do we stop and look? Take a moment to look at simplest and most common things, shapes and colours?


Some more paper mock ups to see what forms I can achieve….


Some experimentation with ply wood and veneer! You wouldn’t believe how much fun this was!


…. and how did I achieved it? by steaming it in the biggest pot I found …..

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Natasha August 19, 2012 at 10:14 am

Just love your work! The beauty is all around, in the simplest things, we just need to pay attention and learn how to appreciate it. Nice thoughts! 🙂

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