Shortly after making my woolen samples I have decided to change fabric of choice. After all, wool looks great, but in combination with fruit juice it might not look very attractive.
Due to extended research I came across Hemp Gallery website and their eco products. I really like their environment friendly approach and their fabrics. It is our great responsibility to think about what products, that we design, are made of and what happens to them when their serving life is over. As much as I would love to save the world, some times it is just not easy. In fact, it gets really frustrating, seeing so many individuals (not only big companies are to blame) who just don’t care. Therefore, I was feeling enormous enlightening and completion, when my friend Lesley Hunt asked me why I don’t use hemp. Of course! Hemp is environmentally sustainable fiber that doesn’t require much for plantation. On top of that, it is the most durable natural fiber.
Check out first sample made of hemp and organic cotton.